WWII Convalescent Program ID: 2283 This file appears in: WWII Convalescent Hospital To listen to this audio please consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video A brief video on the WWII Army Air Force Convalescent program. Images Courtesy of The Library of Congress, National Archives, Northwest Room at the Spokane Public Library and Lee Nilsson Preformed by Lee Nilsson This file appears in: WWII Convalescent Hospital WWII Convalescent HospitalBy Lee NilssonTraining for combat at Fort George Wright gave way to recovery and recuperation during the Second World War. In 1941, Fort Wright had changed hands and become part of the United States Army Air Force. Being used as a base hospital for its first…
WWII Convalescent HospitalBy Lee NilssonTraining for combat at Fort George Wright gave way to recovery and recuperation during the Second World War. In 1941, Fort Wright had changed hands and become part of the United States Army Air Force. Being used as a base hospital for its first…