Stories by author "Casey Baulne": 5
Midnite Mine
In 1954, the long and deadly hand of the Cold War touched the Spokane Reservation. Uranium was found in the remote mountains. To exploit this fuel and bomb-making material the Midnite Mine opened run by the Dawn Mining Company. The radioactive ore…
Indian Congress
After hundreds of years of American oppression, American Indians gained the right to vote in the land they called home since time immemorial with the passing of the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924. Native Americans, new to the political scene worked…
Camas on the Plateau
Every spring, many of the meadows of the eastern Washington and northern Idaho are dotted with the blue flowers of the camas plant, cammasia quamash. To the Native peoples of the Columbia Plateau these flowers indicated food, marking the nutritious…
Salmon and the Spokane Falls
For thousands of years, American Indians gathered here at the base of Spokane Falls to fish for salmon. In June of each year, giant 60 to 80 pound Chinook would make it to the Spokane River. Though the falls were in Spokane Indian Territory, this…
Npil'x: "Hazy Area"
This spot, called "hazy area," was for generations one of the prime salmon fishing spots on the upper Columbia.
Npil'x refers to the area on the west side of the mouth of the Sanpoil River and extends north approximately…